Indians on the Run (the other kind of Indians)


Virginia Gazette


April 15 to April 27, 1737


“RAN away…an East-Indian, belonging to Mr. Heylin, Merchant, in Gloucester:

He is a well-made, small young Fellow, wore his own Hair (which he may have cut off in order to disguise himself:)…He went away on a strong well-made Grey Stallion, branded with a Dott, belonging to his Master.

They (a black slave and the East Indian Slave) went from Col. Lewis’s to Gloucester Town, where they robb’d a House, and took a Pair of Pistols, a Horse Whip, and ’tis supposed some other Things.

They were seen on Monday going up King and Queen County.

Whoever secures either of the fore-mentioned Servants, shall receive as a Reward, Two Pistoles; for both of them, Four Pistoles, and for the Grey Stallion Two Pistoles; to be paid by John Lewis, and John Heylyn.”




How many generations did it take for the children of such people to enjoy a normal childhood?

At what point were these desperate underclasses ready to join “respectable” society?

Is it really any wonder that a country which chose to bury and lie about much of its past is still dysfunctional enough that half of its people will gladly vote for a dictator, as long as he agrees to perpetuate the lies and leave the cold graves of past evil deeds undisturbed…

Tell the truth.  How many readers here knew that there were slaves from India in America?

How many Americans know that such people – Hindus, vagabonds, Muslims, outlaws, Gypsies, runaway slaves, Tory Loyalists, Caribbean Jews, Malagasy sailors – were among the earliest settlers and colonizers of the Indigenous lands commonly called “The Appalachian Frontier”?

Lies by omission are still lies.  History is not a science.  It is an act of analysis followed by collation and curation.  A thing left unwritten is often of equal or greater importance than that which is published.

Only in a country built on loud, blustering myth and carefully calculated silences could a political candidate so utterly unable to speak the truth receive the support of half the nation…

Are we witnessing a late reckoning for the sins of the past?

“Scientific Racism”

Andrew Conru, founder of "Friendfinder" and funder of "scientific racists"

Andrew Conru, founder of “Friendfinder” and funder of “scientific racists”


In various blogs shared on this page over the past year, I have attempted to connect the dots between J. D. Vance and Trump, and the nexus of tech billionaires who are backing them financially.

I have recently mentioned a thing called “Scientific Racism”, which is a term used by various academics to describe a contemporary resurgence of 1920s-style eugenics – this time using data from the field of population genetics.

I will write more on this subject after I get the next podcast episode out, but with just over two weeks until the most consequential election in my lifetime, it is crucial that all of us make clear to our friends, neighbors, relatives, and complete strangers what is actually going-on, and what is actually at stake here.

(Political disclaimer up front for the sake of tranparency:  I believe the USA should have a proportional representation voting system.  A two-party system must invariably lead to a polarised or tribalistic form of politics.  In a less fraught or normal time, with a more democratic voting system, I would support neither of these “big two” parties.  But these are not normal times.)

There is no longer any room for doubt that the Trump/Vance GOP, if they win, will attempt to move the USA away from democracy, and toward authoritarianism or outright fascism.

Every single indicator is already on full display:

1) Undermining of a free press through attacks on fact-based, investigative journalism

2) Undermining of an independent judiciary through stacking of courts with partisan loyalists

3) Undermining of a functioning, non-partisan justice department

4) Undermining of a functioning, non-partisan civil service

5) Undermining the neutrality of the armed forces by stating the intent to deploy them against political opponents

6) Undermining social cohesion with constant attacks on marginalised and minority groups

7) Undermining public political debate by characterising dissenting voices as “dangerous radicals”, “Marxists”, “evil”, etc.

In 1930s Germany under the Nazis, it was homosexuals, the disabled, Communists, Roma, and Jews who were publicly demonised as “poison” in the bloodstream of the German Nation.

In 2024, the GOP under Trump is singling-out many of the same groups, with a particular focus on immigrants.

It goes almost without saying that the mass deportations planned will be targeted in particular at immigrants of color.

It is a source of some alarm to this writer that no one seems to be mentioning that one of Trump’s largest financial backers, Elon Musk, is the grandson of one of the founders of the “technocracy” movement.

“Technocracy” is the idea that only people with a track record of technical expertise or SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE (as measured by “IQ”) should have a say in government.

And just by “chance” (yeah, right), the same men who wish to form a future technocracy are of European ancestry, and obsessed with “proving” an innate biological intellectual superiority to other “races”.

LEST I SOUND ALARMIST, please read articles like the one shared in the link left in the comments section.

We’ve all heard of “Friendfinder”, I presume?

The owner of that company (and many other wealthy tech barons) have been actively funding groups who supply the “science” behind the belief system of the “new eugenicists”.

These are the creeps lurking behind the curtains, whispering prompts to Trump and Vance.

Excerpt from linked article:

“…HDF [Human Diversity Foundation] is part of a movement to rehabilitate so-called race science as a topic of open debate. Labelled scientific racism by mainstream academics, it seeks to prove biological differences between races such as higher average IQ or a tendency to commit crime. Its supporters claim inequality between groups is largely explained by genetics rather than external factors like discrimination.

Dr Rebecca Sear, the director of the Centre for Culture and Evolution at Brunel University, described it as a “dangerous ideology” with political aims and real-world consequences.

“Scientific racism has been used to argue against any policies that attempt to reduce inequalities between racial groups,” she said. It was also deployed to “argue for more restrictive immigration policies, such as reducing immigration from supposedly ‘low IQ’ populations”.

In one conversation, HDF’s organiser was recorded discussing “remigration” – a euphemism for the mass removal of ethnic minorities – saying: “You’ve just got to pay people to go home.” The term has become a buzzword on the hard right, with Donald Trump using it in September to describe his own policies in a post on X that has been viewed 56m times.”

Image: Andrew Cornu of “Friendfinder”

Unpicking Threads in the American Cultural Tapestry

The Left Banke; inlay top left Harry Lookofsky; inlay bottom right Renée Fladen

The Left Banke; inlay top left Harry Lookofsky; inlay bottom right Renée Fladen


The Left Banke” had a smash hit in 1966 with “Walk Away, Renée“, a song co-written by Michael Brown, son of Russian-Jewish immigrants named “Lookofsky” who had first fetched-up in America in…Paducah, Kentucky.

Brown’s father Harry Lookofsky was an accomplished bebop violinist who relocated to New York, running a small recording studio and working with jazz luminaries such as Sarah Vaughan, Quincy Jones,Jaco Pastorius, and George Benson.

Harry’s maneuvering for control of his pianist son’s band appears to have been a constant source of friction.

Michael Brown’s complicated relationship with the band’s drummer Warren David-Schierhorst (who was bisexual and a closeted transgender person later known as Lisa) also seems to have been the cause of much tension.

Michael Brown’s crush on the “Renée” of the song – Renée A. Fladen – who was the then girlfriend of bass player Tom Finn, probably didn’t help matters, either.

Before “Walk Away, Renée” had even broken into the charts, Brown had already left the band, and drummer David-Schierhorst had been kicked out.

The Left Banke had collapsed.

Harry Lookofsky tried to capitalise on the success of the song by reforming the band without his son.

New guitar player Michael McKean would later become better-known as an actor, latterly garnering much praise for his role as Chuck McGill in “Better Call Saul“.

The Left Banke‘s second (and last) album was released in 1968, and is probably most notable for the fact that Steven Tyler, singer with legendary American rock band “Aerosmith“, got one of his earliest musical breaks singing backing vocals on two of its songs.

Tyler himself is of mixed Italian, Polish, and African-American ancestry…

We’ll wind our way back to Kentucky (sort of) by including a link below to Cyndi Lauper playing a beautiful cover version of “Walk Away, Renée” on the mountain dulcimer, an instrument she was taught to play by the legendary David Schnaufer.


Why the Ethnicity of Christopher Columbus Matters

1525 portrait of Christopher Columbus by Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio, thought to be the closest likeness available

1525 portrait of Christopher Columbus by Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio, thought to be the closest likeness available


Note: The word “lynching” in the text below does not necessarily refer to hanging, as is often thought.  A lynching is the execution of an accused criminal (often wrongfully accused) by members of the public without that person having received due process of the law.  The method of execution can vary.

This post includes historical ethnic slurs for the sake of information.


If we do not pin down the facts – all the facts – about prominent people in history, mythology will seep into the vacuum where truth should reside.

As it of course did, as millions of Italian-Americans chose to commandeer Columbus as an Italian hero.

Why would Italian-Americans choose a mass-murderer like Columbus as their cultural icon, rather than someone, anyone, who brought something more positive to the table?

The Jacuzzi (Iacuzzi) Family anyone?

But seriously.  The appropriation of Columbus as the mascot of Italian-Americans almost certainly had much to do with anti-Italian racism and bigotry in the USA following the great wave of Italian immigration which took place between 1880 and 1920 to “L’America“.

This writer was only born in 1964, but can clearly still remember when WASPish Americans – urban, suburban and rural – would openly speak with undisguised disdain of people they perceived as superstitious, rosary-clutching Catholic “W*ps”, “D*goes”, “Greaseballs”, and worse.

The stereotyping of southern Italians as being universally involved in crime – especially organised crime via the Mafia or Cosa Nostra – only added to negative perceptions.

But in a country divided by a binary racial caste system for centuries, nothing placed a mark upon Italian-Americans as damning as the perception that they were “not quite white”.

Which, on a certain level, is true. If “white” is intended to mean “pale complexioned, and of primarily central and northern European ancestry”, then many Italians, especially southern Italians, are not really “white”. With ancestors not only from Italy, southern Italians from places like Calabria, Sicily, and Sardinia are a profoundly mixed population, descended from North Africans, Levantines, Greeks, Sephardic Jews, Romani, and people from sundry Arab lands.

In other words, a largely brown people.


Make no mistake.  Anti-Italian (and anti-immigrant sentiment in general) was real, and at times vicious and violent.  It is believed that around 40 Italian-Americans were lynched in the USA between 1890 and the end of WWII.  Eleven of these victims were shot to death on a single day by a mob in New Orleans in 1891, so counting the 29 other victims of anti-Italian violence, we can see that an Italian became a lynch victim every couple of years.

This number is by no means comparable to the scale of intimidation and violence being meted-out to African-Americans during the same era.

At least 3,500 Black people were lynched between 1882 and 1968, which means at least 41 African-Americans were the victims of extra-judicial murder every single year – thus exceeding in one year the total number of Italians murdered over the course of over half a century.

Even so, the fact that such ethnicity-based killings happened at all is indicative of the widespread hostility shown to Italian-Americans.

400 years after the landing of Columbus in the Caribbean, a national day of celebration was declared by President Benjamin Harrison in 1892.  This was intended as a once-off event, mostly to repair US-Italy diplomatic relations which were under a great deal of strain following the above mentioned murder of 11 Italians in Louisiana.

This day had already been celebrated for decades in American cities with large Italian communities, much like recent Irish immigrants and long-time Americans of Irish ancestry had been celebrating St. Patrick’s Day.

But while St. Patrick’s Day finds its roots in medieval Ireland (making it thus intrinsically “Irish”), the celebration of Columbus’ arrival in the Americas in 1492 could not be said to be similarly intrinsically Italian.

The very concept of a unified Italian national identity didn’t even exist until the mid-1800s “Risorgimento” – so a Sicilian living under Spanish rule in 1492 would have seen the people of the Genoan Republic as foreigners, and vice versa.   This north/south cultural divide persists to this very day in modern Italy.

No, this embrace of Columbus as a cultural icon for Italian-Americans had far more to do with an increasingly vocal and conscious assertion of the right of Catholics to participate in the American project – on an equal footing with the dominant Protestant culture.


After the American War for Independence, the new USA eagerly cast about for icons and symbols to represent a new and distinct identity following its break with Great Britain.

Britannia, the symbolic female embodiment of Great Britain, and John Bull, her male counterpart, had to be replaced.

As early as the 1600s, Anglo-Americans had been personifying the Americas as the female “Columbina“, and later, “Columbia“, usually in the aspect of an “Indian Princess”.

This usage of Columbia as a symbol for the USA increased dramatically in the decades following the Revolutionary War, especially as the young USA sought to model itself as a sort of “New Rome”.

Uncle Sam“, the replacement for John Bull, would only come somewhat later.

Columbia had slowly drifted from “Indian Princess” toward a more Romanesque appearance.

The neo-classical architecture of Washington, D.C., eagle symbols, and the very name for the Upper House of Congress – the Senate – are similarly derived from this desire to elevate American identity through association with the classical world.

But despite her various incarnations, at the base of everything, the name “Columbia” ultimately relates to the idea that Columbus was somehow the ultimate, ancient father of the European New World.

And because Columbus was generally perceived by all and sundry to have been an Italian Catholic, American Catholics (especially Italian-Americans) seized upon him as a form of proof of their central part in American history.  Columbus became a powerful “birthright” symbol who Italian-Americans could point to, and say “We were the first Europeans in the Americas. The story of the USA is also our story”.

Italian-Americans and Catholic organisations lobbied intensely for Columbus Day to be recognised, and in 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt finally conceded, declaring it a national holiday.


But does the ethnicity of Columbus REALLY matter?

Well clearly, it does, because it is the religion and ethnicity of Columbus (and his part in the colonization of the Americas), which allowed Italian-Americans to elevate themselves from being seen as a “not quite white” underclass into full participants in American society – ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE COLOR BAR.

A position that many were more than happy to occupy alongside Anglo-Americans.

The history of the USA shows us time and time again how a privileged group (“white” Protestant Americans) was willing to co-opt or accept certain “marginal” groups (i.e. Irish Catholics, Slavs, Jews, Italians) into its caste/community, in order to stop that group from making common cause with peoples from non-privileged castes/communities.

If Columbus turns out to have indeed been of Sephardic Jewish ancestry as recently reported (or if he is Spanish as opposed to Italian?), this will open up a can of worms as various groups argue over what constitutes “identity”.

Family.  DNA.  Place of Birth.  Place of residence.  Culture at home.  Cultural community.  Religion – was he really Catholic, or just pretending?  Can a person be considered Jewish outside of the Jewish religion?

Whatever the answers to these questions, it is clear that some answers would strike at the very heart of the body of mythology underpinning the self-identity of many people.

It would also offer a textbook example for future generations to study how “constructed identities” and “fake history” can be used to leverage social privilege.

And if millions of Italian-Americans were able to construct a self-identity and social position for decades based on a non-reality, how many others of us are doing the very same?

The “white race” in the USA has no more basis in reality than the “Aryans” proposed by Hitler and his minions.

This blog and podcast has spent 20 years gathering and collating a cache of evidence to able to demonstrate the arbitrary nature of American “whiteness”.

Many of my readers have commented this week, saying something along the lines of “Why are you even bothering with this?  Your interest makes YOU look race-obsessed”.

If US citizens were really living in a post-racism society, or in a country where economic and political dominance had no relation to gender or ethnicity, we wouldn’t have a clearly racist and misogynistic old man on the brink of being elected president.  We wouldn’t have his running mate, the hard-core Christian nationalist J. D. Vance, just one step away from the White House.

And this slickly-produced-made-for-TV-character, J. D. Vance, is so close to real power because he is being backed and funded by people who believe profoundly in the new iteration of eugenics called “human diversity” (aka “Scientific Racism”), in which some ethnic groups are seen as inherently “smarter” than others, and thus deserving of a right to rule over “inferiors” without the need for cumbersome democracy.

The ethnicity of Columbus really matters, because it gives a glimpse into the way mythology, half-truths, and outright lies about who we are, and where we come from, can be weaponized by people with money and a terrifying agenda.

RAISE me up…



Early in February 2017, the administration of Donald Trump introduced the Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment (RAISE) Act.

Americans of every political hue love their acronyms…

This was one of Trump’s earliest efforts to begin the “re-whitification” of the USA, by clamping-down on what is known as “chain migration”.

This is when members of a family attempt to join other members who have already successfully entered the USA.

A typical instance of this might be a male Syrian refugee who has successfully applied for asylum, and hopes to be joined by his family, who had been awaiting word back home regarding the likelihood of success if they, too, were to undertake the same hazardous journey.

The RAISE Act was intended to make such chain migration much more difficult, not least through instructing immigration officials to favor English-speaking applicants with money, education, and a high skill level.

While many would suspect that this act was explicitly designed to encourage the immigration of “white” people from places like the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa (not to mention Scandinavia and Germany where most inhabitants have a superb grasp of English), we can of course not prove such a motivation.

Considering that the modern GOP is largely comprised of habitual gaslighters, there is no point in putting the question to them and expecting an honest answer, either.

What this writer is more interested in, is the statement put out at the time by the co-sponsors of the RAISE Act, senators David Perdue and Tom Cotton of Georgia and Arkansas, respectively.

In this statement, we find the following passage:

The majority of [chain] immigrants are “either low-skilled or unskilled” and “threaten to create a near permanent underclass for whom the American Dream is just out of reach.

I hope my gentle readers will read the foregoing passage more than once, in order to gain a full appreciation of what is being said here.

The GOP and GOP-adjacent types (like Libertarians) never cease in telling us that the USA, above all other places on earth, is the land of rugged individualism.  A place where anyone from any background with enough “gumption” and “get-up-and-go” can succeed.

Yet here we are being told straight-up that a lack of skills (aka education) might just consign a person to membership in “a near permanent underclass for whom the American Dream is just out of reach”.

But, but, bootstraps.  What about bootstraps?

Are the GOP actually openly suggesting that a certain amount of money and education might be necessary for lifting people out of poverty?

How are these then the very same people who made Betsy DeVos secretary of education in 2017?

A woman utterly dedicated to funnelling taxpayer dollars away from public education and into private schools?

To this point the Perdues and Cottons of this world might well reply “Hell, yeah. Go Betsy! The US taxpayer doesn’t owe anybody a full, decent education.  The taxes we give to private schools are just a little top-up, a tiny reward for all that private sector bootstrapping.  Make the American underclasses and penniless immigrants do unskilled sub-minimum wage work as long as it takes to pay for their own damn education.  Bootstraps, dammit!“.

But wait.  Didn’t they just say that unskilled workers are trapped in “a near permanent underclass for whom the American Dream is just out of reach”?

Yes, they did.  And maybe, for once in their life, these GOP senators are speaking the truth.

It IS rather hard, if not damn nigh impossible, to become a full-time plumber’s apprentice or attend college while working double shifts at Walmart and McDonald’s…


Donald Trump‘s running mate, J. D. Vance, is of course the shining “exemplar”, who claims to have led the way in showing how to escape trans-generational poverty.

His “super-bootstrapping” secret?  A taxpayer-funded government education hand-out.  Which he got by joining the US Marines (a group also taxpayer funded, lest we forget).

Vance still hasn’t realised (or maybe he has?) that he’s a little pawn in a game being played by billionaires.

Betsy DeVos, by the way, is the daughter of a billionaire industrialist.  Over the course of thirteen years, her brother Erik Prince received over 2 billion! in government security contracts as the founder of Blackwater, a private military contractor involved in massacres in Iraq and more recent arms trafficking violations.

J. D. Vance spent his own “war” in Iraq as a writer, presumably working-out and flexing his authorly muscles for his early Magnum opus, the execrable and fake Hillbilly “memoir” which would propel him into the public consciousness (and into a senate seat).

The money splashed on Vance by Libertarian technocracy “bros” like Peter Thiel would make anyone with a moderately functioning brain suspect that Vance had been being groomed for office over many, many years, and his “Hillbilly” schtick was just part of a much larger ground plan being laid by anti-democratic forces in the USA.

But let’s set all of this aside for now, and make one thing 100% clear.

The party of Trump, Vance, Perdue, and Cotton knows the truth.  In the middle of trying to justify anti-poor and racist immigration policy, they were forced to accidentally speak this truth.

Trangenerational poverty is real.

They said so themselves.

The “American Dream” can remain forever “just out of reach” for many people.

They said so themselves.

It is lack of skills and a decent education which are most likely to consign people to inescapable poverty.

They said so themselves.

In their efforts to portray “certain” immigrants as dwellers on the nightmare fringe of The American Dream, in their efforts to portray “certain” immigrants as members of an unwelcome, permanent underclass, they inadvertently admitted to the real reasons for DOMESTIC poverty.

African-American poverty.  Latino poverty.  Appalachian poverty.

Black, Brown, and White poverty.

Use their own words against them.

Our transgenerationally poor brothers and sisters come in all colors, and are <almost> all equally despised by the ultra-wealthy.

Columbus, scoundrel

Columbus, scoundrel

Columbus, scoundrel


This should be interesting.

Later today, a team of geneticists is due to announce the results of a comprehensive analysis of DNA samples – taken from the purported remains of Christopher Columbus, and a number of his descendants.

Columbus’ true identity and ethnic background have remained a bone of contention among scholars for centuries.

Although purportedly buried in Spain (due to his explorations having been funded by the Crowns of Spain), he has traditionally been claimed to have been a native of Genoa, in Italy.

This hasn’t stopped countries like the Dominican Republic from claiming to be the final resting place of Columbus’ remains, and it hasn’t stopped wider speculation that his origins might be found as far afield as Hungary or Poland.

Many (including this writer), have wondered if Columbus may in fact have been of Jewish background, and chose to keep this quiet due to the Jewish, Romani, and Moorish Muslim expulsions taking place in Catholic Iberia during the 1490s.

It is already certain that Columbus included Jewish translators and Ciganos (Iberian Gypsies) among his expedition members.  Remember that he was aiming to find a route to China and the East Indies, where he expected to encounter Jewish merchants.

Whatever comes of today’s announcement, it will remain a matter of historical fact that Columbus was a wealth and power-seeking scoundrel obsessed with status and titles. A man who brought nothing but pain, torture, disease, slavery, death, and genocide to the indigenous Taino people of the island he would rename “Hispaniola” – the modern Dominican Republic and Haiti.

Don’t trust my opinion.  Read his letters.  Read his friends’ letters.  Read royal court correspondence.  Read Bartolomé de las Casas.

Elvis and Identity Politics

Elvis with B. B. King, circa 1957

Elvis with B. B. King, circa 1957


I have been meaning to write something about identity politics (and its hazards) for ages.

Last night I dug out an old article from 2002, published in a well-known left-leaning newspaper, in which the writer asserted baldly that Elvis Presley had appropriated the songs of Black artists such as Little Richard and Chuck Berryand got rich and famous off others’ work“.

Hip hop artists like Macklemore and Public Enemy went further, with the former calling Presley out for being “so plastic, you’ve heisted the magic“.  In 1989’s “Fight the Power“, Chuck D went straight in, calling Presley a racist.

While there’s a lot to admire from both artists, their knowledge of history and grasp of social nuance was sadly lacking in the case of Presley.

Chuck D comparing Presley to John Wayne in the same song – the latter a man who made explicitly racist remarks on the record – is almost unforgivable.

I’ll explain more in my next post, but for now here are some thoughts which I hope might spur some healthy and open-hearted discussion about a complex issue.


All of us should keep developing and changing right up to the day we die.

Having said that, as someone now in their 7th decade on this earth, there are a few – just a few – personal truths which have stood the test of decades.

One of these truths is that every human being wants to feel a sense of control over their life and destiny.

Some people achieve this sense of personal control and agency through personal development.

Some choose to place their fate entirely in the hands of their God (or they pursue their own human desires, and later claim “Divine Agency”).

But other people come to believe that the easiest, best, or only way to achieve a sense of personal control and agency is through the control of other people.

They want power.


Almost every single negative aspect to life as a human dealing with other human beings can be traced to someone’s lust or desire for more power.

At the most basic level, most people simply want enough power to resist those who attempt to impose their power over us – this is the basic desire to not live in fear.

Even though this writer can be called a “Leftie” for most practical conversations, on many fundamental levels I find myself often at odds with what might be termed “Academic Leftism”.

This is the type of Leftist politics so common today (especially online), in which “enemies” must be identified – quite literally – by giving these enemies an “identity”.

In this way of viewing the world, certain “identities” are often framed as “natural enemies” of social justice and equality and must be called-out or “cancelled”.

In other words, we are supposed to disempower our “enemies”.

At the same time, we are supposed to support any measure which further empowers our “allies”.

No real discussions can take place within this paradigm, because actually trying to understand why others think and say the things they do gets shoved aside.

We become hyper-vigilant in our search for signs of bad faith.

Understanding gets set aside in favor of measuring people against various ideological “purity tests”.

These purity tests include checking whether people buy into the entire “Leftist Ideological Kit”.

Failure to tick every box without question can mean being labelled an “enemy” instead of an “ally”.

I learned this last year when I wrote a piece about Buffy St. Marie being “outed” as a non-Indigenous person claiming Indigenous ancestry.

While certainly not condoning cultural appropriation, I had argued that St. Marie was the inevitable product of the racism deeply embedded in American society over centuries.

This invitation to imagine being another person, and to consider empathy in place of condemnation, did not go down well with some.

Black is Black, White is White, and identity, far from being a complex and mutable interplay between ancestry, cultural upbringing and lived experience, is a line in the sand between “The Good Guys” and “The Bad Guys”.


When we simply look at the “usual suspects” in power today, and create an “enemies list”, we are in danger of playing the worst kind of identitarian politics.

We are fighting symptoms instead of the cause, or putting the cart before the horse (pick your idiom).


And it occurs at every level of society, among all genders, all economic classes.

A working- or middle-class mother psychologically bullying and traumatising her 8-year-old child is committing the same crime as an authoritarian dictator – it’s simply a question of scale.

Both involve the unjust and coercive exercise of power.

Colonialism, racism, patriarchy, misogyny, homophobia, bigotry, white Christian nationalism – name your poison – ALL are SYMPTOMS of the underlying problem.

I have spent years trying to explain that racism did not lead to slavery.

The selfish quest for money/power led to slavery, and racism is the “justification” which got tacked-on later.

The same formula works when explaining patriarchy. An insecure man wants the power to control a woman. Women’s “shortcomings” or “inabilities” are the “justifications” for a patriarchal system tacked-on afterwards.

Identitarian, academic Leftism doesn’t take into account one of the oldest facts of human existence.

This fact is the existence of greater and lesser power hierarchies which cross and pervade all social categories – men, women, children, and fellow animals.

In my younger, coarser days, this was simply called the “shit rolls downhill” theory.

Company owner wants a new car.  Sets unrealistic sales targets for management.  Rank and file workers are made to work unpaid overtime.  Man goes home and shouts at his wife.  Stressed wife is short-tempered with the children.  Damaged kid goes outside and kicks the dog…

A child slapped around by its mother sees matriarchy, not patriarchy, from their position in the greater hierarchy.


The problems of this world will not be solved by placing people into neat categories of “enemy” or “ally”, or as “oppressors” and “victims”, based on terms, catch-phrases, or identities neatly laid-out in someone’s academic thesis.

Diagrams showing “intersectionalities” can sometimes appear very 2D in a 3D world.

We are all oppressors AND victims in some way, somehow.  Again, it’s always a matter of degree.

Sometimes I think of the shaken young gunman in the 1992 film “Unforgiven“, as the kid sought to sooth his own conscience and justify his killing with the remark “Well, I guess they had it coming“.

Clint Eastwood‘s character William Munny replied “Kid, we’ve all got it coming.”

For every “old white guy” out there wielding power unfairly today, there will be an “old white woman” (or Black, or Asian, or Latina woman) happy to do the same tomorrow, if we ignore the underlying truth that the desire for power, and the temptation to wield it unjustly, crosses all ethnic, religious, economic, and gender boundaries.

None of the foregoing is intended to suggest that we shouldn’t be fighting for an equitable society, or indeed, calling-out the various symptoms.

But sometimes it seems as if The Left has descended into arguments about the best cough remedy, when what the patient really needs is to shut down the coal-fired power plant belching out smoke next door.

At its deepest core, it’s a power (and class?) struggle, not a struggle between identities.

And Elvis wasn’t a “white guy appropriating Black culture”.

More anon…

Born a Woman

Singer Sandy Posey, circa 1966

Singer Sandy Posey, circa 1966


People are distillers of information, with anything meaty getting cooked-down to its bare bones.

Nowhere is this more true than in our understanding of history – even recent history.

Entire decades of events, trends, and changes are reduced to a shortlist of manageable icons and symbols.

Take the 1960s USA.

Ask anyone who wasn’t alive at the time to offer up a summary, and it’s a pretty good bet that they would mention hippies and flower power, the moon landing, Civil Rights marches and anti-Vietnam War demonstrations.

And yet, most of the events seen as being quintessentially “60s” actually took place at the tail end of the 1960s and during the first half of the 1970s.

The USA remained in many ways a deeply conservative and profoundly patriarchal society throughout much of the 1960s, with the majority of married women (especially those from the working- and middle classes) expected to bear and care for children, have a meal ready for “the man of the house” when he arrived home from work, and to put constant effort into making themselves attractive.

The great majority of single women were actively seeking a suitable husband, and most job opportunities open to single women were often found in non-fulfilling or low-paying employment as telephone operators, factory workers, secretaries, nurses, and other jobs in which they played a supporting role to supervisors, businessmen, doctors, and other professional men.

Married women spent hours scrubbing, changing diapers, doing the laundry, peeling potatoes, vacuuming or mopping floors, washing windows, and ironing.

Women (both single and married) also spent hours back-combing or “ratting” their hair, wearing curlers, applying copious amounts of hair spray, painting nails, and sitting under hair dryers in beauty salons.

Life outside the home for many married women involved little more than shopping, going for a weekend drive, or “dressing-up” and going out dancing in cocktail lounges and nightclubs with their husbands on Friday nights.

“Women’s Lib” and the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) campaigns wouldn’t hit hard until the 1970s.

In hindsight, it seems almost certain that the single biggest thing to hit American society during the late 1960s and early 1970s had nothing to do with Nixon and Watergate, Vietnam, or hippies.

That massive thing was The Pill.

The Pill only became available to married couples in 1965.

The Pill only became available to single women in 1972.

To the great shock and horror of many males, it became apparent that women enjoyed sex just as much as men.

Women being able to have a sex life both inside and outside of marriage, free from the fear of unwanted pregnancy, removed one of the greatest obstacles to female agency and independence.

Suddenly, many more married women wanted a job outside the home, sick of asking their husbands for pocket money.

There were fights and arguments in houses all over the USA, as certain types of men saw their traditional roles (and means of asserting control) eroding from under their feet.

“My wife could leave me, if she isn’t depending on my money. My wife could easily have an affair now, and GET AWAY WITH IT.”

There are undoubtedly still many men who would like to regain the control over women’s bodies that was lost in the 1960s and 1970s.

So the next time you hear the 1960s described as all hippies and flower power, remember that Woodstock was in 1969, and only a tiny percentage of kids were well-off enough to travel around in a VW microbus, following bands like The Grateful Dead.

Counter-culture bands were a niche interest until their wider breakout in 1967.

You will not find songs by Bob Dylan, Jefferson Airplane, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Santana, Arthur Lee‘s “Love“, or even The Beatles among the Top 30 selling singles of 1966.

You WILL find songs by ? and the Mysterians, The Monkees, Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs, Nancy Sinatra, and Barry Sadler singing “The Ballad of the Green Berets“.

And the most important pharmaceutical of the era wasn’t LSD, it was a little pill containing progestin and estrogen.


Post script

A girl from Alabama named Sandy Posey passed away this summer just gone.

Millions upon millions of people have heard her singing backing vocals on fellow Alabamian Percy Sledge‘s smash 1966 soul hit “When a Man Loves a Woman“.

Probably fewer people remember Posey’s own mega-hits from 1966 – “Single Girl” and “Born a Woman“, both written by Martha Sharp.

These two songs perfectly encapsulate the world of many American women during the mid-1960s, as they tried to reconcile and balance traditional gender roles with glimpses of greater possibilities just over the horizon.

The lyrics to “Born a Woman” illustrate this conflict between two worlds, hovering somewhere between proto-feminist critique and acquiescence.

Sandy Posey would later become “born again” – largely withdrawing from music recording and going on to marry an Elvis impersonator.  We make our choices.

It’s a good pop song, whatever the case.

It makes no difference
If you’re rich or poor
Or if you’re smart or dumb
A woman’s place in this old world
Is under some man’s thumb

And if you’re born a woman
You’re born to be hurt
You’re born to be stepped on
Lied to, cheated on
And treated like dirt

Ah, if you’re born a woman
You’re born to be hurt

A woman’s lot
is to give and give
And go on giving
A woman’s got to love and lose
And go on living

Well, I was born a woman
I didn’t have no say

And when my man finally comes home
He makes me glad it happened that way
Because to be his woman
No price is too great to pay

Yes, I was born a woman
I’m glad it happened that way
Oh, I was born a woman
I’m glad it happened that way


Colorism, Past and Present

The many faces of Lena Horne

The many faces of Lena Horne


There is a trend, particularly widespread among the amateur genealogical community, to share historical photos which have been colorized.

There are a myriad reasons why this practice is at best misguided, and at worst, a vector for ethnic whitewashing.

Most non-professionals probably assume that cameras and video recording devices are inherently “neutral” instruments for collecting visual data.

From the advent of photography during the mid-1800s up to the present day, this has never been the case.

The very chemicals used to produce and develop early color film were optimised to capture the shades and skin tones of “white” European faces.

The Kodak film company was well aware of this technical bias, yet steadfastedly refused to reconfigure or reoptimise its film manufacturing process (to enable it to capture dark skin tones properly) right up until the 1970s.

Even then, Kodak only relented under commercial pressure from furniture and chocolate manufacturers unable to create appealing advertisements for their products using standard film.  The complaints of Latino and Black Americans throughout the 1950s and 1960s had gone unheeded.

In the days before color film, photographers and camera operators had quickly learned that judicious use of makeup, set lighting, and other factors could be employed to radically alter the ethnic appearance of actors.

This technical application of “colorism” during the earliest days of black and white Hollywood films had allowed many people of color or mixed ethnicity to “pass as white” in order to win more of the parts available in movies.

But do not think that this is all ancient history.

Facial recognition software, the cameras on our smartphones, the very algorithmic systems which surround us in this Brave New World of AI, are constantly encoding the multitude of social biases and inequalities present everywhere in the real world and on the internet, and baking them into the new digital reality.

Many law enforcement bodies and jurisdictions are already employing facial recognition software which has been regularly demonstrated to have profound data set problems when attempting to identify “non-white” faces.

Which brings us back to our initial point about colorizing old photos.

Most colorization is now being done with the help of AI systems, and as such, these systems are currently utterly incapable of the nuance required to assign a “color” to people of complex ethnicity.

My own mixed-ethnic ancestors (the Melungeons of Appalachia), do not typically show strong sub-Saharan African facial features, even though many are of very dark complexion, and count African-Americans among their forebears.

A deep historical understanding of the origins of these people is required to even begin to hazard a guess as to how they might have looked “in living color”.

AI colorization systems, however, regularly portray these people as being of a broadly “white European” appearance in terms of skin tone.

With the plethora of colorized photos now being shared online, I am beginning to wonder if this ahistorical “whitening” suits a certain section of Americans…

I’ve shared five images of the celebrated Black American actress Lena Horne.

One is a Hollywood publicity still, which through lighting and makeup manages to intentionally downplay Ms. Horne’s non-European features.

Three other images show her being represented somewhat more accurately.

The last image is the black and white publicity photo put through a standard AI colorizing system.

While it is tempting (and exciting) to believe we are getting a more accurate glimpse of the “living past” through the process of colorizing, what we are actually getting is Eurocentric “colorism”.

1864, 1964, and Beyond

A Black Union soldier posted at a slave auction house during Gen. Sherman's occupation of Atlanta, GA [1864]

A Black Union soldier posted at a slave auction house during Gen. Sherman’s occupation of Atlanta, GA [1864]

In the heat of post-emancipation excitement, men like the one pictured could never have imagined that it would be another 100 years until the Civil Rights Act would finally enshrine the rights of all US Americans in law.

And this soldier would have probably been shocked (or not?) to learn that 160 years later, the USA would be on a pre-election knife-edge, with half of its electorate supporting a man who called for the execution of innocent Black men, a man who flouted the provisions of the Civil Rights Act, refusing to rent his New York properties to people of color.

All those years ago in Atlanta, would this man have believed that it would be the elections board of that very state (Georgia) which would try to undermine democracy itself in order to force a racist into the Oval Office, against the will of the electorate?

In 2024?

I reckon he would have smiled, shook his head, and said “Naw. We ain’t going back”.

#history #civilrights #racism