Making America Great Again [“be fruitful and multiply…]
“I think the rejection of the American family is perhaps the most pernicious and most evil thing that the left has done in this country.”
“Why have we let the Democrat party become controlled by people who don’t have children, and why is this just a normal fact of American life that the leaders of our country should be people who don’t have a personal and direct stake in it via their own offspring, via their own children and grandchildren?
“These children are the future of this country and yet the parents who have them actually have no advantage in our democratic process,” Vance said. “They have a smaller voice in some ways – in very many cases – than the people who don’t have any children at all. The children who come from these families have no real representative in our democracy.
“Why don’t we change that? Now some people will say this is radical and this is crazy. The Democrats are talking about giving the vote to 16-year-olds but let’s do this instead: Let’s give votes to all children in this country but let’s give control over those votes to the parents of those children.”
The incoming US administration will refuse point-blank to face up to incipient climate catastrophe caused by first world over-consumption of resources in an overpopulated world.
Instead, the quotes above are the “vision” being put forth by the vice-president elect.
Put bluntly, he and his billionaire technocrat backers are speaking about using legislation and social engineering to force the women of the USA back into a position as “breeders” and stay-at-home mothers.
And what are these electorally empowered “breeders” expected to achieve? Other than a simple increase in GOP votes?
Why, a reversal of the demographic trend toward a “brown” or more ethnically mixed USA.
A “white” evangelical Christian family with 8 children and a stay-at-home mother would have a far greater say in elections than a working couple with one or two children.
As far as this writer is aware, there is no constitutional impediment to the implementation of this frankly insane idea.