Class War in the Age Before Codified Racism

Captain John Smith taketh the King of Pamaunkee prisoner [1608]

Captain John Smith taketh the King of Pamaunkee prisoner [1608]

American History 101 (or 289?)

“Mr. Potts, a Master of Arts, well practised in Chirurgerie and Physique, and expert also in distillinge of waters.”

In 1623, Dr. John Potts, holder of a masters degree from Oxford University in England, prepared a poison to be served in wine to the Powhatan delegation to peace talks in Virginia Colony.

Apologists for the wrongs of English colonisers will say that this act of duplicity was in retaliation for Powhatan attacks on English colonists – without mentioning that Powhatan attacks were themselves in response to the violent raiding and theft of Powhatan winter food stores by English colonists at Jamestown.

Although wealthy himself, Dr. John Potts was later convicted of cattle theft from his own fellow colonists.

Some female colonists at Jamestown who were captured alive in raids by the Powhatan were later ransomed back by Dr. Potts.

So a decent enough rogue our Dr. Potts.  Right?

Not so fast.  Dr. Potts only ransomed-back the wives of his own indentured servants who had perished in Powhatan raids, so that these traumatised women could work-off their dead husbands’ “debts”.

One hostage later petitioned for her release from “slavery” stating that her subjugation and indenture by Dr. Potts:

“…differeth not from her slavery with the Indians.”


#jamestown #colonialism #indigenousamerica

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