Feeling Blue on Boggy Creek

Drive-in movie

Drive-in movie


They say there are only six basic building blocks or themes behind every story ever told.

Some storytellers know this, others don’t.  The ones who realise this usually try harder to bring something new or surprising to the table.

When it’s done cleverly, like in the Coen Brothers retelling of a 2,500 year-old story by Homer in “O Brother Where Art Thou?”, it can be great.

Unfortunately, Hollywood seems to be giving-up on any artistry in its recycling of the same ancient stories, hoping that CGI and franchise familiarity will be enough to keep the money train on the rails.

Virtually every single film in the Marvel Universe is a bad version of the early medieval classic “Beowulf“, which itself betrays elements of even more ancient traditions.  Even “European” folk tales like Cinderella have roots far, far deeper than many imagine, having often arrived in Europe via the various Silk Roads from the east.

I was feeling nearly as old as Beowulf this week when I realised that it is five years since the abysmal THIRD iteration of “Charlie’s Angels“, over twenty years since the second, and just short of half a century since the original TV series with Farrah Fawcett, Kate Jackson, and Jaclyn Smith – a show which made a fortune for Wella Balsam shampoo, red swimsuit manufacturers, and hairdressers skilled in the “feather cut”.

It’s also 25 years since “The Blair Witch Project” was widely thought to be reinventing the horror film genre with its faux documentary approach.

But of course this style of film-making had already been done way back in 1972, with the drive-in movie cult classic “The Legend of Boggy Creek“, which centered around the search for a Bigfoot-type creature near a small town called Fouke in the swamplands of southwest Arkansas…


Director Charles B. Pierce channelled Truman Capote‘s documentary writing style from “In Cold Blood” (about real monsters among us) into a B movie about barely-glimpsed, maybe? real monsters hiding around us.

The wider cultural impact of this film on conservative America is hard to overstate, mainly because there has always been a tension at the heart of America’s relation with wilderness – poised between fear, wonder, and exploitation.

The story trope of hairy wild men is ancient and universal, but particularly potent in a nation so new to its colonisers that it was possible for newcomers to believe that almost anything might be lurking beyond the next ridge, hidden in the undergrowth of a dark ravine, or skulking at the back of a hidden cave.

North of the swamps around Fouke and Boggy Creek lie the Ozark Mountains of Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas, which are in a way the westernmost extension of southern Appalachia.

Most people forget that when the slaveholder and frontiersman Daniel Boone pushed through the Cumberland Gap in 1775 – making way for a torrent of settlers and precipitating disaster for indigenous peoples – he himself never settled-down until reaching Missouri.

Thousands of Kentuckians and Tennesseans would do likewise, with many eventually settling in the Ozark Mountains.

We should not picture Missouri or Arkansas as trackless wildernesses at that time, however often Americans claim to have “tamed” the west.

These lands were certainly wild by today’s standards, but they had already been long settled by indigenous tribes, the French, and then for a while, Spanish peoples. There are still a few people alive today around Old Mines, MO. who speak the so-called “Paw-Paw French” dialect brought there during the 1600s from French Canada.

And these were not just a few hunters and trappers and traders. There were actual towns like Cahokia, Kaskaskia, Fort de Chartres, Saint Philippe, and Prairie du Rocher (all on the east side of the Mississippi River in present-day Illinois), with Ste. Genevieve on the west side of the Mississippi River in present-day Missouri.

Indeed, the very word “Ozarks” probably derives from the French “aux Arcs“, which is short for “aux Arcansas“, meaning “at the place of the Arkansas” – the Arkansas being the French name given to the indigenous Quapaw people.

Part of the reason many Appalachians chose to settle the Ozark Mountains is exactly because the best arable bottom land along along the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers was already taken – long before the first English speakers arrived.

But there is another reason so many Appalachians sought out the backwoods of the Ozark Mountains…

Anyone who has followed this blog and podcast for a while will know by now that the most remote parts of Southern Appalachia were settled by multi-ethnic peoples trying to outrun the color caste system in states back east.  Because mountain land is hard to farm and difficult to access, it had two things going for it as regards mixed-ethnic underclass communities.  One, it was cheap (and in many cases free) to those wlling to squat it.  Two, with the law scarce on the ground, mountains offered a sort of refuge for people hoping to just be left alone with their own people.

So just as happened in Western Virginia, Eastern Tennessee and Kentucky during the late 1700s, Arkansas and Southern Missouri became destinations for displaced indigenous and mixed-ethnic peoples during the early 1800s.

Branches of Melungeon families like the Collinses migrated to the Ozarks during this time.

In fact, so many mixed communities ended-up in this region that they gave their names to landmarks like Portuguese Point, overlooking the Gasconade River.

Regular listeners to our podcast will already know how “Portuguese” had become a complex signifier for various “not quite white” people in early colonial America.

Those willing to do some serious digging will discover that many Ozark people descend from Smiths, Scotts, Harmons, Shumates, Oxendines, Benenhaleys and other families with Jewish, Romani, Lenape, Catawba, African, and even Arab ancestors.

Put it all together – remote mountain places, bears and wild cats, people with unfamiliar customs and of unusual appearance, people with a desire to avoid mainstream society – and it’s little wonder that embellished tales of hairy wild men have existed in the Ozarks region for generations.

Long before “The Legend of Boggy Creek“, there was the “Blue Man” of Spring Creek, in Douglas County, Mo., for example.  Here is an excerpt from The Springfield Republican in 1915:

“…Douglas County farmers were searching for the ‘Blue Man of Spring Creek’ who was seen after an absence of four years. The Blue Man was…first seen in 1865 and described as ‘unmistakeably human, though resembling a vicious animal…with long black hair’ covering his ‘blueish black skin’. The first recent sighting was six weeks prior, when Oc Collins, who was said to have taken part in a raid of the ‘Blue Man’s’ den four years earlier, lost two lambs and came upon their pelts in a hollow two miles from his house. Since then, others had seen him, noting that his hair was no longer black, but gray, and that he was not as robust as when first seen in 1865…”

Now we might be inclined to laugh, and to wonder if these Ozark mountain folks had been overindulging in their own product while minding their stills in the woods.

But here’s the thing.  There were mixed-ethnic families in Southern Appalachia since the late 1700s who carried a recessive gene which was expressed whenever a male and female carrier of the gene had children.

This recessive gene caused a blood condition known as methemoglobinemia.  The main visible symptom of this blood disorder?  Blue skin.

The idea of a blue-skinned descendant of Appalachian settlers of the Ozarks of southern Missouri surviving as a livestock-robbing, shunned backwoods hermit is profoundly depressing, infinitely sad, and terrifying at the same time.

Mainly because it is a far more plausible explanation for the surviving “Blue Man” folklore.

The folk stories we invent in order to varnish a dark reality are always the scariest.  Look up the historical theories behind fairy tales like The Pied Piper, and shudder…


This has been a long post, so we’ll circle back around to pop culture’s habit of repeating itself with fluff like Charlie’s Angels.

Or to be more precise, let’s forget the actual show, and look at someone involved in the show.

Jaclyn Smith, who played “Kelly Garrett” in the original Charlie’s Angels TV show, actually got her first break as an actress in Charles B. Pierce‘s follow-up to “The Legend of Boggy Creek” – a film called “Bootleggers“, set in the Ozark Mountains.

Jaclyn Smith‘s father was the son of recent Russian Jewish immigrants.

And Wikipedia, as usual when actual research is lacking, notes Jaclyn Smith‘s mother as having Scottish, Welsh, Irish, and English ancestry – without citing a source.

Jaclyn Smith actually does (unusually for most Americans), have some “posh” English ancestry going back to the slaveholding Farrars of colonial Virginia. And some apparently Scottish “Urquhart” ancestors.

But for some reason, as is so common again and again and again in American history, her maternal links to descendants of pirates and privateers, and to what appear (on the basis od DNA) to be colonial era German or German-Jewish “Hartsfield” or “Hartzfeld” slaveholders, receives nary a mention.

They say there are only six basic building blocks or themes behind every story ever told.

But the biggest thing behind most stories, is the story we are trying to hide.

#history #legends #movies






Baguettes and Baloney

French peasant family, 18th century

French peasant family, 18th century


I’ve been thinking about the extreme right’s current obsession with “The Great Replacement”, and their deep interest in the preservation of a “white European race”…

Even if a person could demonstrate that ALL of their ancestors came from Central or Northern Europe, this still would not mean that they are in any sense “racially pure”.

Let’s take a look at French people to explain why…




What is a French person?

The largest “ethnic group” in the modern state of France is the group of people who speak the Central/Northern dialect of a language which only came into being over the course of many centuries – through migration, invasion, and immigration.

The oldest attested ethnic group in France were the Gauls, who spoke a Celtic language. The conquering of Gaul by the Romans under Julius Caesar in 50 BCE saw the development of a Gallo-Roman society over the subsequent four centuries. In other words, the Romans settled their new frontier with people from all over the Roman Empire, which stretched from the Middle East to NW Europe to North Africa.

It is worth mentioning here that Iraqi soldiers in the Roman army were scribbling graffiti on walls in Scotland nearly 2,000 years ago, and the Mediterranean city of Marseille (Massalia) had been founded by Greek traders 600 years before the time of Julius Caesar.

In what would only be called “France” many centuries later, the collapse of the Western Roman Empire during the 5th century CE saw a mass inward migration of Germanic tribes from the east such as the Burgundians, Franks, Suebi, and Visigoths, with a late influx of Vikings during the Middle Ages.

Before the age of the printing press began to unify it linguistically, France was a patchwork of ethnic groups speaking innumerable languages, dialects, and mixed sub-dialects.  Evidence of this can be seen in the many languages and regional dialects still spoken today:

Alsatian (Alemannic) [Germanic]
Auvergnat (Occitan) [Romance]
Basque (Palaeo-European) [no known linguistic relatives]
Breton (Brittonic) [insular P-Celtic]
Catalan [Western Romance]
Corsican (Italo-Dalmatian) [Romance]
Franco-Provencal [Romance]
French Flemish (Dutch dialect) [Germanic]
French (official langues d’oïl) [Romance]
Gascon (Occitan) [Romance]
Lorraine Franconian (West Central German) [Germanic]
Norman (langues d’oïl) [Romance]
Occitan (langues d’oc) [Romance]
Picard (langues d’oïl) [Romance]
Poitevin-Saintongeais (langues d’oïl) [Romance] one of the main groups ancestral to Acadians/Louisiana Cajuns

Because the majority of the “French” Huguenots (French Protestants) who ended-up in North America were from the south and southwestern parts of France, this means many of them almost certainly spoke a language other than “Standard French”.

All of this perfectly encapsulates why ethnic or “racial” purity was an illusion long, long before the concept began to take root in places like Anglo-America. A “French Huguenot” arriving in Virginia during the 1600s might be lighter-skinned than most Africans, but nonetheless could be a mixture of genes from anywhere across the Northern European, Eastern European, and Mediterranean world – including the Roman Middle East and North Africa.

When people used the words “England” or “France” during the 1600s and 1700s, they were describing a POLITICAL identity which was only partly related to the ethnic or cultural identities on the ground at the time.




Those who romanticise the Vikings would do well to read books like “The Viking Way” by Professor Neil Price.  The nature of Scandinavian magic and religious practice during the Middle Ages is far too gruesome and depraved to include here.  Those inclined to say we should not measure past societies by today’s standards?

Contemporary Arab travellers among the Vikings were utterly horrified by the things they saw in a so-called “Christian” society.

And “white” Christian nationalists who see themselves as the descendants of Frankish crusaders?  They are living in cuckoo land.

Warlords and later European royalty are almost never the class of people whose descendants ended-up on ships to America.

The origins of many more Americans are to be found among religious extremists, indentured servants, smugglers, speculators, and transported criminals (including beggars, vagrants, and prostitutes).  Almost all underclass people intermixed at some stage with African and indigenous American peoples.

White supremacy is not only wicked.  It’s downright ill-informed and stupid.


The Sons of Sweyn Forkbeard

Number of ancestors per generation

Number of ancestors per generation


As expected, this blog and podcast is beginning to be noticed by “white” Christian nationalist ideologues.

I find myself conflicted trying to decide whether the people commenting from this ideological position should be ignored or blocked.

It is beyond laughable that anyone with deep roots in colonial-era America would use iconography associated with medieval Germanic Europe as their “identity” – Scandinavian runes, Viking imagery, tattoos of St. George crosses or pathetic weightlifter-inflected fantasy artwork depicting Frankish crusaders, Saxon warlords, and Norman knights.

The National Socialists of 1920s and 1930s Germany loved this sort of thing, with composers like Richard Wagner being much admired for offering an artistic pseudo-backstory of ancient Germania and Scandinavia – full of “pure”, but utterly imaginary ancient folk legends.

Explaining the difference between the fake concept of “race”, and population groups, nationality, ethnicity, tribalism, and culture is so complicated that I started this podcast.

In order to claim an “ethnicity”, surely a person should be able to demonstrate one or more things:

Immersion within a specific ethnic community’s culture, or at the very least, a majority of ancestors from that claimed ethnic group.


I’ve shared a table above showing the number of ancestors all of us have, as we travel back through the generations.

Can any American seriously claim that half, or even a quarter, of their 8,192 eleventh great-grandparents came from one single culture or ethnic community?


Before We Were White will offer this public challenge to any self-identified American “white Christian nationalist” who believes they are ethnically or “racially” pure:

If at least half of your family has been in America since colonial times (pre-Revolution), prove that none of those ancestors were people of color.

You will not be able to do it.

You’re not who you wish you were.  And you’re certainly not a Norse or Saxon warrior.

You’re an American with serious masculinity, educational and cultural issues.

The Racist Roots of American Gun Culture

Live shooter drill in US school

Live shooter drill in US school


The <activist> Supreme Court of the USA handed down a decision a few weeks ago.

In their infinite wisdom, they have decided that a ban on “bump stocks” should not stand.  That every American should have the “right” to make their semi-automatic weapon function like a fully automatic weapon.

How many mass shootings in the USA over the past couple of years?

You’ve lost count, right?.

We have the endless, useless, obviously futile and utterly hollow “thoughts and prayers”.

We have the mostly boy-men who live in such fear of “gun emasculation”, that they clutch their guns like a child with a security blanket.

We have the now regular and sickening suggestion that only more guns can fix this very stupid, very American problem.

Guns in our handbags.  Guns in our restaurants.  Armed guards in elementary schools.  Guns on the beach.  Guns on the bedside table.  Guns, guns, guns.

We have semi-automatic assault-type high velocity weapons and ammunition in the hands of barely post-pubescent spotty kids with little more than an internet education – and usually some serious self-esteem issues.

And now, having exhausted every flimsy and disingenuous argument in their Book of the Gun, we have ideologue politicians pivoting toward a “new solution” which they hope will allow them and their indoctrinated constituents to hold on to their security blankets.

They wheel it out now at every photo-op and vox-pop.

“Gun violence is a mental health issue”.

And for once, they are on to something – just not in the way they would like to imagine.




A large segment of American society IS suffering from mental health issues.

Issues created by centuries of barefaced lies about the American project.

Issues created by books, newspapers, cinema and TV spreading an unceasing, vomitous stream of violence, untruths and fairy tales for “entertainment” and filthy dollars – for decades, for centuries.

Issues created by land theft, slavery, economic injustice and race violence.

Issues created by corporate gaslighting, with politicians and virtual oligarchs programming the electorate to believe that unsustainable environmental rape and pillage is “progress” and necessary for “creating jobs”.

Issues created by the accumulation of obscene wealth for a few – through encouraging tobacco, alcohol, gun, opioid, and social media addiction – all while blaming the social fall-out on the “moral shortcomings” of their often impoverished <paying> customers.

One-third of the American electorate gets its “news” from a corporation owned by a shrivelled husk of a man who was able to write-off a nearly billion dollar lawsuit recently – all because he makes MORE money telling gun-hugging, conspiracy-embracing Americans whatever they want to hear.

And it seems the only thing they don’t ever want to hear is The Truth.




I always find the “guns are needed for protection against a tyrannical government” thing regularly put forward by gun lovers a bit hilarious (if the side effects of mass gun ownership weren’t so deadly serious).

The USA military machine, with tanks, drones, warplanes and sea support, RPGs, chemical and biological weapons, air-to-surface missiles, internet control and spyware intelligence, etc., just might not be too worried about a few overweight local “militia” running around the woods and suburbs with semi-automatic pseudo assault rifles.

Besides, wars are won by controlling communications, and supply lines of ammunition, energy, and food.

But that is all by-the-by.

Every serious historian knows that the promise in the 2nd Amendment not to disarm “well-regulated militias” was for two reasons:

1) Because the government was too broke to pay for a standing army at the time.  Local militias – often formed to fight Indians who resisted colonial encroachment – were guaranteed “rights” to operate, as these same militias could be called-upon to function as a rapid-response non-taxpayer funded army.

2) Because states with large numbers of slaves would have rebelled at least 80 years BEFORE the Civil War over this issue.  Why?  Because they absolutely needed militias with guns and dogs – for hunting-down escaped slaves, for preventing slave uprisings, and for putting-down slave rebellions.  The 2nd Amendment was designed to placate these slaveholders and ethnic cleansers.


Never in their wildest dreams did the framers of the US Constitution envisage a society of ill-informed dorks wandering the streets of every town with semi-automatic high velocity firearms.




But away from the ivory towers of the corporatocracy, the NRA, and sundry ill-educated wingnuts, we can read things like the following in our newspapers after a mass-shooting atrocity like the one in Allen, Texas in May 2023:

“The first girl I walked up to was crouched down covering her head in the bushes,” he recalled. “So I felt for a pulse, pulled her head to the side, and she had no face.”

A child.  A child, for goodness’ sake.

Shortly after, the local police department tried to discredit the witness testimony of people on the scene. For politics. For ideology. Because personal testimony has the power to change minds.

Also shortly after, the despicable, wretched and vile Republican governor of Texas, Gregg Abbott, told Fox News Sunday that his “plan” for putting an end to such carnage was to target the possession of weapons by criminals and “deal with a rising mental health crisis”.

“People want a quick solution,” he said. “The long term solution here is to address the mental health issue.”

Yes, there is a serious mental health issue here.  And it’s not confined to the sick people who shoot children.

Shame on the mentally and morally bankrupt majority of the Supreme Court of the USA.

#beforewewerewhite #history #gunviolence

Dam(n) it!



Tennessee Valley Authority relocation of Bunch family of Lone Mountain, TN


This is probably a perfect encapsulation of the political complexities and divisions at the heart of US society.

As early as 1921, 94% of the electricity distributed in the USA was controlled by privately-owned holding companies.

In 1920, wealthy automobile manufacturer Henry Ford had attempted to implement a plan to dam the Tennessee River at Muscle Shoals in NW Alabama for electricity generation (and monopolistic mega profits).

Senator George Norris of Nebraska introduced a bill to congress to block the plan, believing that private-owned businesses should not be trusted with vast infrastructural projects affecting hundreds of thousands of people.

Although the bill was passed, it was vetoed by the president of the day, Herbert Hoover.

It might be correct to see this as the first great stand-off between Big Business American Capitalism and those who believed that a nation’s natural resources should belong to the nation’s citizens, and should be exploited for the benefit of the many, rather than the few.

By 1934, the USA was five years into the grip of the Great Depression, and a privately-owned version of the Muscle Shoals dam project was dead in the water (no pun intended).

As part of his New Deal for lifting many Americans out of poverty, Franklin Delano Roosevelt constituted the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), which would build a series of dams for hydroelectricity generation, but they would be owned by the state – not private companies with a history of gouging consumers.

Outside of Black and indigenous communities, no one was poorer, or suffering more, than the rural people of Southern Appalachia during the 1930s.

Much mountain land was exhausted due to poor farming practices.  Produce prices were at rock bottom.  Average income was about $639 per year (less than $12,000 in today’s money).  Families surviving on less than $200 a year was not uncommon.

The Roosevelt administration reasoned that in the face of such abject poverty, the public revenue generated, and the new jobs created by the TVA in nearby towns, would more than compensate poor mountain folks for the loss of their land under water.  And in many cases, the government was right.  Jobs WERE created, and better farming practices were introduced.  But there was one little fly in the ointment.  Free choice.

Using the legal principle of “eminent domain“, small farmers who had farmed, hunted, danced, and raised families in these hills for upwards of 150 years were forced to sell-up, often for prices below market value.

All of this is history in the public realm.  The one part of this story never told in history books or scholarly articles is the fact that many, many of the impoverished people of these regions were poor in the first place because they were the mixed-ethnic outcasts of colonial society.  The very reason they had sought out the most remote hills and hollers was to find a measure of freedom – freedom from bonded servitude, freedom from wage slavery, freedom from race laws and bigotry.

Just freedom.  Or the closest thing to freedom available in this world.

I’ve heard it said that Australian aborigines removed from their ancestral lands in times past would often begin to slowly “fade away”, literally dying from a loss of freedom and connection to the land.

Something similar must have surely befallen the over 125,000 Southern Appalachians who were forced to say goodbye to their farms and mountain communities between the 1930s and 1950s.

Many well-educated people today try to understand or explain why some of the American underclasses often vote “against their own interests”.

On the one hand, there is a government which had enough power to take away the only things they ever had – a home, a community, pride, and self-reliance.

Anyone who comes along blaming “Big Government” for their trans-generational troubles is likely to get a hearing.  Anyone who speaks of bootstraps and hating a hand-out is also speaking the right language.

Unfortunately for the sons and daughters of Appalachia, the people “speaking their language” today are the same b**tards who once controlled 94% of the electricity supply in America.

For some sections of America, there’s no winning.

#tennesseevalleyauthority #appalachia #bigbusiness #beforewewerewhite

Those Damn Hippies

The Farm Band, circa 1978 [Photo David Frohman]

Many believe the 20th century “norm” among American men of being clean-shaven with short hair was mostly due to grooming standards set by the military during two world wars.

1) An effective seal for gas masks cannot be achieved with a bearded face.

2) The fitting of steel helmets was made easier by requiring recruits to keep their hair short-cropped or nearly shaven.

3) Short hair and the absence of beards and moustaches was believed to be more hygenic, offering less scope for lice infestations.

4) Officers prefer uniformity among rank and file soldiers. Distinctive hair, beard & moustache styles are construed as a sign of individuality which could be a precursor to insubordination.

So between 1914 and the 1940s, short hair and a clean-shaven face became the look of “brave soldiers”, and by extension, “manliness”.

The flamboyant pompadours and ducktails of the 1950s were seen by conformists as the preserve of flippant and self-regarding peacocks, while the long hair of the 1960s was seen by most sections of mainstream society as an out and out challenge to the status quo, and a symbol of youth rebellion and drug culture.

Before the age of gas masks and steel helmets, long hair was seen as “dashing”, especially among cavalrymen during the American Civil War and subsequent Indian Wars in the so-called “Wild West”.  George Armstrong Custer was noted by contemporaries as being particularly vain about his golden tresses.

We are truly a product of our times.


#history #hippies #fashion #war #beforewewerewhite



This post is going slightly off-piste for a sociology and history website, so my apologies.

It is now utterly clear that social media platforms throttle the visibility of users/writers who post things not matching a certain “preferred” model.

Mentioning certain political “situations”, such as the attempted ethnic-cleansing taking place in Gaza, will result in a death-vise throttling.

Posts considered too long to keep a modern audience scrolling endlessly (or mindlessly?) will also result in limited visibility.

Posts matching the “preferred model” should be one or two sentences long at most, with a photo/image included.

Even better, posts should be short (very short) video clips, showing things like “They rescued this injured kangaroo. One year later they released it back into the wild. Ten years later they check on it and it gives them a hug.”

It is difficult enough trying to find an audience for awkward and complex historical truths.

But just this month, Facebook/Meta sent me an email informing me that everything I have written and shared over the past ten years on their platform will be used to “train” their upcoming AI “product”.

I am told that I am free to object, but this objection will not necessarily mean that my objection will be respected.

I am mindsick, heartsick, and soulsick with this headlong rush into oblivion, in which a few technocrats seek to further enrich themselves and concentrate unimaginable power in the hands of a tiny technocracy.

Power made off the backs of the real blood and flesh human beings who actually CREATE.

This graphic was made for all of the fellow creative souls out there.  If any of the points made resonate with you, please share.

For my part, I’ll be girding my loins for war.

#ai #theludditeswereright #handsoffmywriting #handsoffmyresearch

Cultural Relativity


Cultural relativity is a thing.

Most Americans are raised within western educational norms, surrounded by a level of material wealth unimaginable to much of the world.

People in other parts of the world forced to live (or choosing to live) inside a completely different reality get labels attached to them, based on how they are perceived by westerners (us).

Negative labels might include “Third World peoples” or “slum dwellers”.

When privileged people view distant people in a romantic or positive light, we often resort to what the great Palestinian writer Edward Said called “Orientalism”.

This is when we have almost no real firsthand understanding of a culture or people, but we project our own judgments, desires and imaginings onto them.

This is why many westerners feel okay saying things like “I was born with a Gypsy spirit”.

It is why the internet is absolutely rife with memes sharing tidbits of so-called “Native American Wisdom”.

This is all grist to the mill in how we manufacture the “othering” of people, placing them into manageable boxes in relation to ourselves.

Consider the short note left on an 1860 census form in Greene County, Tennessee (see image above).

Replace the surname “Morgan” with the word “Indians”.

Chances are, 21st century “orientalism” would cause us to rebuke the census taker for his presumed superiority in calling the lifestyle of these families “savage”.

Yet if these Morgans were considered “white”, we would probably start to imagine “inbred mountain people”, and feel far less positively disposed toward them.

We have two completely different attitudes and reactions to the exact same lifestyle, based on our own “racial” and cultural expectations.

And here’s the rub.

During the 19th century, many Appalachian families and their wider kinship groups were neither wholly “white”, nor black, nor wholly “Indian”.

They were a mix of many things.

These Morgans, for example, trace back to early colonial Maryland, where a male ancestor was “given possession” of a “mulatto” girl by the courts, years after she was born “in bastardy” to an impoverished and unnamed woman of color and a “respectable” doctor who received five public lashes for his inability to keep his trousers buttoned.

These Morgans also happen to have been living smack dab in the middle of what history calls “The Nolichucky Grants”, a section of Eastern Tennessee along the Nolichucky River where an Indian trader named Jacob Brown had convinced the Cherokee to “lease” some land as early as 1772.

It is clear that the Cherokee understood such leases simply as an agreement to not wage war on settlers in this particular region.

Three years later, in 1775, a 600-strong group of colonisers and land speculators met with one faction of Cherokee at Sycamore Shoals to “upgrade” such leases into outright property transactions with a firm legal basis under Anglo-American conceptions of land ownership.

This post is too short to enter into the minute detail of such negotiations, and the differing mindsets and understanding of the parties involved.  What is relevant, is the fact that the very earliest Euro-American settlers in this region were not land speculators.  They were hunters and traders, and were often already a mixed-ethnic crew before they had even entered the region.  They then further intermarried with the indigenous peoples among whom they were trading, leading to even more deeply mixed-ethnic families.

The entire American perception and narrative surrounding “white Appalachian poverty” is based on “cultural relativism”, in which mountain people are being harshly judged by outsiders with absolutely no conception of the historical path travelled by these people.

Many families lived “up on the side of mountains”, subsistence farming with little more than a hoe, because the land of the free had no tolerance or place for “half-breeds”, “mulattos”, or “brown people”.

Or just plain poor people in general.

By the time most of these mixed folks had managed to “pass as white”, transgenerational poverty and lack of education had left many extended kinship groups in Appalachia playing a hopeless game of “catch-up” – just as the coal companies began arriving to tear the mountains down, and government damming projects covered entire communities under lake water.

#beforewewerewhite #appalachia #relativism

The Self-Shackled Mind Effect, or Philosophy Friday

I spent a lot of today listening to voices on the radio saying that the outcome of a court case in New York would have no bearing on how they vote this November.

When we wonder how a person can choose to be wilfully ignorant, consider this social situation:

We get called ignorant.

Or dumb.

Or uneducated.

We get called a redneck, a rube, a “deplorable”.

Will this make us begin to change our opinions through the acquisition of new facts, more knowledge, better education?


Are we happy to accept advice from people who call us such things?

Certainly not.

Why?  Because to do so would be (in our own mind) essentially admitting that we actually WERE in fact deficient in some regard.

AND WHAT IS FAR WORSE, this would also mean conceding that the people who insult us – the people we now actively dislike or hate – are in some way smarter or “better”.

No one wants to feel “lesser” or stupid.  So we dig in our heels.  We look around for allies, for anyone who agrees with us, for anyone else who hates the same people we do.  We join a tribe.

Safety in numbers and all that…

And if we’re the kind to hold a grudge, we hope and pray for the day when we can exact revenge on these people who made us feel small.

Getting revenge is easier, and far more enjoyable, than an honest look in the mirror and a long program of education and self-improvement.

Especially when so many “libs” and their ilk are holier-than-thou, insufferable, self-righteous, self-congratulatory, obnoxious assholes.

And often just as intolerant as the people they mock and criticise.


How many of us, whatever our worldview, are willing to consider, let alone adopt the outlook of people we hate?  Not many, I expect.

We need to rediscover how to disagree without making people feel small or stupid.

We need to share information, rather than attempt persuasion.

This kid glove approach needn’t apply to outright racists and bigots.

The wealthy and powerful (along with certain religious leaders) have been indoctrinating the American public for centuries now.

American leaders and their marketing agents have used the cult of individualism as a way to justify rampant self-interest.

One side effect of this “Because I’m worth it” vox pop TV culture is a society where everyone thinks their opinion on EVERYTHING is a VERY IMPORTANT OPINION.  No one is willing to even consider anymore that opinions have a qualitative value, based on education, life experience, expertise.

That humility was once considered a virtue, not a sign of weakness.

There is an ocean of historical class warfare in the USA, whatever the talking heads on TV say about America being a “classless society”.  The USA simply swapped the old British hereditary class system for a class system based on money and “race”.

Don’t believe it?  Very few western countries have “tipping” as deeply embedded in their culture as the USA.  Tipping culture is a visceral reminder of the master/servant relationship, in which one party is constantly aware that the person with the most money holds the most power.  The “servant” is constantly aware that their very livelihood depends on “performance”.  Not simply performance of their job, but an attempt to read the often unspoken expectations of the customer/master and guessing what type of social performance is most likely to please them.

It is not enough to be professional and polite – one must also be an actor, an actor able to carefully calibrate one’s behavior and personality to the ego of the person holding the cash who decides whether they have “performed” to expectations.

This mini-digression into the social meaning and significance of tipping culture is about illustrating the many ways in which we reinforce superiority/inferiority on a daily basis – even when we are kind at heart, and don’t mean to do this.  We do many other things every day, believing them to be “normal”, when we are in fact simply repeating innumerable behaviors which are the legacy of social caste indoctrination.

People who come from an underclass background are acutely attuned to the ways in which others assert their “superiority”.

Unwrapping the layers of “nationalist indoctrination” and “caste indoctrination”, and helping others to see the world with different eyes, is a bit like trying to help people who have spent years in thrall to a religious cult.

If we happen to meet a family member who has joined a cult, our first conversation in ages probably shouldn’t begin with asking them “How can you be so stupid?”

Especially if we have not asked the same question of ourselves, every day.




“Here be Dragons…”

Fred Gifford, left; Oregon Klansmen with Portland police, and text excerpt.  Note the highlighted text.

Fred Gifford, left; Oregon Klansmen with Portland police, and text excerpt.  Note the highlighted text.


“Some of those that work forces, are the same who burn crosses…”

Rage Against the Machine [1992]


Most people would consider the Ku Klux Klan to be associated primarily with the Deep South.

For reasons too complex to address at length in a short article – post WWI socio-economic issues, the burgeoning eugenics movement, shocking levels of racism, increased US immigration, etc., the KKK reached its highest-ever membership numbers during the 1920s – and not only in southern states.

In 1920, the state of Oregon had a population of around 783,389 souls.

Of that number, between 30,000 and 35,000 were sworn Klan members.  Add in the number of Klan-affiliated women’s and children’s organisations, and we can say that perhaps 1 in 10 Oregonians were directly involved with the Klan in some way, making Oregon by far the largest host to Klan activities west of the Mississippi River at the time.

With 50 chapters statewide, the pervasiveness of the Klan presence ensured that its members had a huge influence on elections, state governance, legislation, public policy, and law enforcement.

Oregon had a relatively tiny African-American population at the time, and much KKK activity was focussed on keeping it that way.  Many of its other activities during the 1920s revolved around an attempt to ring-fence Oregon as a haven for white Protestants.  The Klan’s political clout ensured an ongoing hostile environment for Catholics, Jews, and all non-“white” immigrants – especially Blacks and East Asians.

For a number of reasons, including having some of its flagship legislation deemed unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court (and due to much political infighting), the Klan in Oregon had withered away to a shadow of its former self by 1930, but only after a decade of making Oregon a weirdly distorted and more orderly mirror twin to the sinister social engineering which was unfolding rather more chaotically in Germany at the same time.

Oregon’s last publicly acknowledged “Grand Dragon” would be Fred L. Gifford, who died in 1945, thoroughly unrepentant.

Mr. Gifford could have never envisaged a future world where a lone blogger and podcaster living on the side of a mountain would have access to digitised records documenting the history of his family – its occupations, migrations, and ethnic details.

And this is also why it seems almost certain that Mr. Grand Dragon never breathed a word to his mincing underlings about his “complicated” family.

You see, Frederick Louis Gifford‘s father Benjamin Gifford had been a saloon-keeper back in Minnesota, where his son Fred Gifford was born before moving to the American northwest in the early 1900s.

Benjamin Gifford had children by two different women.  One was Fred Gifford’s mother.  The other wasn’t really a woman.  She was a 15-year-old Chippewa girl who had just managed to turn 16 by the time she gave birth to her first of three children by Benjamin Gifford.

I have been unable to discover how the “Grand Dragon” of the Oregon KKK treated his “non-white” half siblings.

I have also been unable to discover how the “Grand Dragon” of the Oregon KKK reacted when his daughter Loretta married a man of Jewish descent named Leon Rothschild.

Fascists, racists, and bigots rarely leave memoirs saying “I was wrong”.

#klan #racism #oregonhistory #beforewewerewhite